martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Welcome to our team, Canada! :)

Krysia Montero-Fiedler

Cul­tures around the world enrich my life. I want to share this experience.”

Inter­act­ing with peo­ple from other coun­tries and learn­ing about their cul­ture always brings me joy and enriches my life. This is the expe­ri­ence that I would like every per­son to have when I assist him or her in vis­it­ing other coun­tries and get­ting immersed in their cul­ture. I believe that this is, above all, the best way to learn a lan­guage and widen your under­stand­ing of the world.

Since 2000, I have been host­ing stu­dents in exchange pro­grams from many coun­tries and facil­i­tat­ing exchanges for fam­ily and friends around the world. I am a Spanish-English inter­preter and trans­la­tor, and live in Wind­sor, Ontario in Canada. I would like to help fam­i­lies in Canada to get involved in exchange pro­grams with Europe, Asia and Latin America.

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